Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Meatloaf Tray?

I recently saw an ad on TV for a meatloaf tray.  It kept the meatloaf elevated so the grease would stay on the bottom and not soak the loaf which is the reason most homemade meatloaves come out bad.  Major waste of money.  If you want to fix the problem just put a slice or two of bread under the loaf and give it to the birds when you are done.

Now meatloaf cooking isn’t the real reason for this post, you can find a fine recipe in my other blog, it is to warn you about what is passing itself on as “informative” advertising.  Advertisers believe that when you see something on TV you will not question the reliability and purchase the item based on the claims of the manufacturer.  I’m sure the meatloaf tray works, but why spend the money when there is a much more economical solution.

Another ad represents a company that offers reverse mortgages.  It has a well know actor with a pleasing voice who tells you to “trust” him.  Why?  There is nothing in the ad giving his background in finance or any other related expertise.  Could be a good product and it could be a good company but don’t just do it because an actor said trust me.

The worst one though is a so-called “Christian” dating service.  No affiliation with any Christian church but they do strongly imply that God is behind them.  Come on.  If you want some help from God in finding a date then go volunteer at your church.

I’m not asking you to “trust me” on this, I’m asking you to trust yourself.  Look into the subject before you waste your money.,

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