Saturday, April 9, 2011

Feel Good About Your Free Time

We all have free time and though we have earned it we tend to feel bad about having it.  Well, use it for something good.  Donate your time as a volunteer for some organization.  It can be a few hours on a weekend or some continuing commitment, doesn’t matter really.  You will feel better about yourself and make the world better for others.

I started helping the Multiple Sclerosis Society at their annual Walk many years ago.  It was half a day, once a year, and I felt good all year long.  Now I do a lot more but then I have more time and this isn’t about me, it is about you.  There are a lot of things you can do for a charity that nobody ever thinks about.  When a charity has an event where do you think those tents, tables, supplies, etc. come from?  Where do they disappear to when the event is over?  Our local MS Society has had teams of volunteers from the Air Force and Maryland University loading and unloading trucks.  Two hours work, meet new people, and feel good forever.

The different walks can last from 3 miles to 2 days and they always have at least one rest stop.  These are usually manned by volunteers who are often from a company or organization.  Get your bowling team together for three hours and pass out water and bananas.

Please, don’t say you are too busy.  An old colleague of mine once said “if you want something done, ask a busy person.”  I have fun, feel good about myself, and help raise over a million dollars to help find a cure for MS.  I may never win a Pulitzer Prize but I do feel like my life has a meaning.

Our MS Chapter actually has a woman who runs her own Walk, basically a neighborhood pot luck, and they send all the donations to the MS Society.  What the heck.

If you want to sit on this for a while but can donate a few dollars now, just go to and make your donation on-line.  I’ll make sure it goes to the right place and you will begin feeling great.

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