Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Thought About Congressional Salaries

Back in the 1980’s Social Security was partially reformed and the idea should be continued.  People who were making enormous amounts in retirement income for the day had their Social Security payments reduced and even taxed.  On the surface this may sound bad but if someone has an annual retirement income of a million dollars should they really receive Social Security when that money could more appropriately go to balance the budget and help people who now have to live on the meager Social Security checks?  Why not extend the idea?

If a Congress Person, from a different source, earns an amount larger than their Congressional pay then the Congressional pay should be reduced by 50 cents for every dollar of additional income.  For instance in 2011 the normal House and Senate member earned $174,000 per year.  If they earn an additional $174,000 (a total of $348,000) then nothing will happen.  But if they earn an additional $200,000 instead, then their public pay would be reduced by $26,000.  This could be done by a direct payment from the Congress Person or collected with their subsequent tax return. 

I don’t think that is too much to ask.  Their income for the year would be $322,000 which is more than enough to live on. 

Now not all of Congress makes $174,000 each year, some make more.  Cong. John Boehner, the Speaker of the House makes $223,500 and I believe others get extra money for chairing committees etc. well I propose that these extras be considered as extra so the $49,500 that Cong. Boehner makes for being Speaker would be classified as additional income so if he earned $200,000 outside of Congress he would be considered to have earned $249,500 from non-standard Congressional pay and have to pay back and have to pay back $37,500.

Of course this would not have a great effect on the national debt or budget but it would help treat us all the same.

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