Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama is dead

Donald Trump is insisting on the long form death certificate, Oliver Stone is doing a new movie where OBL was on the grassy knoll, Palin started her own investigation but stopped before any conclusion, John McCain said “who is OBL and where is Booth.  I can’t make fun of Faux News since they are already doing the stupid thing by saying the shooting was a week and a half ago.  Like the President wouldn’t have used such great news to force the budget. 

I’m not really sure why everyone has to think they are being lied to all the time.  Those people who are telling you that something is false are doing it so they can get paid.  Theyi have as little or less credibility than the ones they are accusing, including Congress.  I’m not saying that everything you are told is true, I’m just saying to use your own brain, it is much more reliable. 
You probably got the email comparison of JFK and Lincoln.  Think about it.  JFK left Marilyn Monroe’s house on the way to Dallas?  She was dead about a year by then.  Lincoln didn’t go to Monroe, MD before the assassination because there is no Monroe, MD.  The US did land Neil Armstrong on the moon, Babe Ruth never telegraphed his home run against the Cubs, and Billie The Kid is as dead as Hitler.

It would be impossible to keep the secret.  Besides, who cares.

Have fun and Stay Thirsty My Friends.

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