Saturday, March 5, 2011

Household Tips – Bathroom Sink Drains

Bathroom drains tend to clog from hair and should be cleaned periodically.  What period?  That depends on your use.  If you have four people with long hair using one sink then you should look at doing this often. 

If the drain plug is in the drain pipe, as they usually are (there is a stick shaped handle that you press or pull) look under the sink and see how it connects.  Normally the stick pushes down on a lever that enters the drain.  I normally
1.            pull everything out from under the sink
2.            put a small pan under the drain
3.            disconnect the lever from where it enters the drain (usually this is easy to unscrew)
4.            pull out the lever
5.            go to the basin and pull out the drain plug
6.            clean the plug (don’t run water in that sink for this, you now have a hole in your drain)
7.            replace the plug.  It is probably circular at the bottom.  Make sure the hole in the circle is facing the same direction as where the lever enters the drain.  Normally this means the hole should face front and back, not side to side
8.            insert the lever into the drain and into the drain plug and screw it in
9.            reattach the stick
10.        run water down the drain to make sure it doesn’t leak

Want some more information?  Why not look at

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