Monday, November 8, 2010

I Hate Chai Tea

Yahoo and Michael Calderone reported that the U. S. and India had an agreement to allow 8 U.S. reporters into the Hyderabad House to cover talks between President Obama and Prime Minister Singh. At the last minute India reneged and would only allow 5 reporters. Our Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, stood up for the American reporters and threatened to pull the President out of the meeting if India did not abide by their own agreement. From the pictures it looks like they even tried to bar Gibbs from entering. Gibbs got them to back off and the American reporters were allowed in. Way to go Gibber, don’t let anyone disrespect the United States.

Something disturbing about the story though were the posts readers made on the Yahoo site. I can not believe the idiots who attacked Gibbs and the President over this. Don’t they realize that Obama is our President regardless of who they voted for? Don’t they realize that this was a total disrespect to our country? Come on people, politics only goes so far. Stop being political and start being Americans like those signs you carry say you are. You are a bigger insult to the flag than what India did.

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